Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Big Multimedia Me

Feeling pretty chuffed with latest post on the WotLK forums picked up a blue response, and our class designer is implementing my (admittedly commonsensical) suggestion about Guardian Spirit, Holy's 51-pointer. You can watch the drama unfold here--I'm Ebbasdottir, the OP. Too bad Koraa still doesn't see the light about Divine Providence. 10% throughput, my ass.

Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that GS will take another nerf after I think about it, I'm realizing that if the health return goes up to 50%, you can basically just cast it on the tank and then forget about him for 7-10 seconds, as long as it isn't a 25-man boss you're fighting. Heroic mobs take a long time to chew through 50% of a bear's HP, so I envision myself casting this on Ben in a do-or-die situation and then leisurely popping a couple PoHs, all without breaking a sweat. A fairer implementation would be to dump the death-save aspect and just increase all healing taken by like 150%. But then it doesn't need to last 10 seconds...and it would be a poor talent if it lasted for less than that...I don't know. This design stuff is harder than it looks.

I'm chuckling at how incomprehensible this post must be to 99.83% of people.

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